A Debater to be proud of
To start, it must be said I did not know Eitan as well as I would have liked. I first met him, if my memory serves correct, in Ms. Weisbart's World History Class during our Freshman Year at CRLS. I still have vivid memories of Ms. Weisbart calling him "Mr. Stern-Robbins," which is how and why I shall never forget his last name.
Anyway, Ms. Weisbart had us debate constantly on a variety of subjects and, if I may be so bold, several of those debate developed a very warlike/competative atmosphere. As always in such circumstances, some people rise to the occasion and debate as though they were born to it. Eitan, or "Mr. Stern-Robbins," was one of these. A true debater to be proud of and I was always glad, when Ms. Weibart divided us up, to see Eitan on my team for I knew that life just got that much easier.